Community outreach is vital to Crosfields.


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Why do we value Community Outreach at Crosfields?

It gives our students the opportunity to take on new responsibilities and develop leadership skills.

Students can further their education outside of the classroom by actively helping in the community.

Children feel proud to be part of a positive change, and enjoy the satisfaction of making a difference, no matter how big or small.

We understand the importance of educating pupils to see the 'bigger picture' and encourage them to think of others.
Charity Coordinator

How do we get involved in Community Outreach?

We have plenty of opportunities for our students to get involved in community outreach activities, including:

  • School-wide fundraising and charitable initiatives led by Senior School pupils
  • House charity events
  • The opportunity for children to raise money for a charity close to their hearts
  • Volunteering in local community projects.



What events and activities do we hold for Charity?

When it comes to charity events, we’re up for everything and anything. We believe that the sky’s the limit, and our students have certainly proved that!

From cutting their hair to climbing mountains, giving up their birthday money to running, swimming, and cycling, our students have blown us away with their generosity and kindness in their own personal charity initiatives.

We’re incredibly proud of the charity initiatives run by the students at our school.

20 students supported with bursaries
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