Crosfields Oaks – the Crosfields Alumni Community


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Those who came before….

Moving on, our former pupils have progressed to prestigious universities and pursued diverse professions.

Our Alumni Program is developing and evolving to reflect the value, which so many of our former pupils have seen, for their careers and personal connections, in staying in touch with us here at Crosfields.

Reflecting our ongoing outreach and the length and depth of ties with the school, we recently welcomed members of the Class of 49’ back to tour the school and share their memories. More recent graduates have returned to undertake work experience, complementing their studies and training, re-engaging with their teachers and inspiring our current children.

What a great school Crosfields is now. Not only the amazing new classrooms but the staff and pupils, we were very impressed by it all
Mr G McDonald, a Crosfields Oak

Get connected, stay engaged

We are refocusing and re-energising our plans to extend and develop the programme in consultation with key stakeholders. Our aim is to build an offer which delivers a better connected alumni network.

Your chance to take part

If you’re a Crosfields Alumni, then we want to hear from you.  There are lots of ways you can get involved in our Crosfields Oaks Alumni Programme:

  • Inspire the next generation by taking part in our Careers Programme
  • Volunteer to help with our Alumni Events.​
  • Become a Crosfields Governor


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