The Crosfields Parents’ Association aims to provide parents with the chance to meet up socially.

Crosfields Parents’ Association

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Welcome to Crosfields Parents’ Association

The Crosfields Parents’ Association was set up 1989 with the aim of providing parents with chance to meet up socially.

The CPA exists to create and support a whole school community for parents, students and staff. Please contact the team by emailing

 We run social events throughout the school year and the team are always happy to answer any questions parents have about being a parent at Crosfields, and of course we welcome anyone who would like to join the team!
Mrs Laura Collett, Head of CPA

Our Events

Annual events include our Fireworks Display, Christmas Fair, bi-annual circus and summer picnic. We also host a welcome evening for new parents, hold regular coffee mornings, organise keepsake gifts for children such as hoodies, and provide refreshments at school events.

Our Committee

The committee is made up of parents, carers and staff who meet each term to discuss events and other opportunities to support the School. We’re really grateful for all their hard work as we couldn’t run events without their incredible support. There are always opportunities for new volunteers to get involved so if you’re a school parent or carer and feel you could spare an hour or two to help us, have some fun in a good cause, make new friends and develop your skills, then please do get in touch. Email us at

Our Aims

    1. To work in partnership with the School to widen the sense of community by arranging social events that bring children, parents, carers and staff together.
    2. To support the School’s activities, in particular, by attending events where there are new and prospective parents who would benefit from the opportunity to talk about the school with existing parents and carers.
    3. To raise funds to:
      – Support fundraising initiatives
      – Support School purchases that enhance the children’s experience at Crosfields and which are outside of the School’s budget.
3 Our Aims
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