School Values - Crosfields School

School Values

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Values we believe in 

Crosfields School is a leading co-educational private school situated in Berkshire.

Our values are woven into the fabric of the school, with 54% of our pupils speaking a second language fluently, successful co-educational sports teams and award-winning buildings. What we offer to children and their families cements our position as one of the leading private Junior and Senior Schools in Berkshire.

It is not only in our children that you will observe our brand values at work. The school staff, parents and carers and Alumni also embody our ethos.

By instilling these values into our chilldren we are setting them up for life beyond the classroom and preparing them for their next steps.

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Wellbeing Ambassadors

Values we believe in

What makes a member of the Crosfields community special is the ability to represent these values not only through the work they deliver but also in how they collaborate and act around school. This develops our pupils into all rounded individuals and encourages them to see the bigger picture.

We are Ambitious

We want every part of our community to be proud of Crosfields and feel part of something larger than themselves, instilling confidence in children from the moment they join.  

We are Resilient

We champion courage in the classroom and encourage children to take responsibility for their actions and to keep persevering.

We are Committed

We place importance on seeing things through and on being someone who can be relied on: committed to our work, our friends and our community. 

We are Kind

From the morning greeting to a team’s conduct on the playing fields, empathy, compassion and kindness are a fundamental part of who we are. 

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