Ethos, Mission and Aims - Crosfields School

Ethos, Mission and Aims

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An exceptionally friendly private school Crosfields emphasises manners, kindness and good behaviour.


Our school ethos blends our rich history with a modern, forward-thinking learning environment. The Crosfields’ culture encourages children to feel respected, safe, included and secure at school. We don’t just value our students’ contributions and achievements we celebrate them. Children leave Crosfields equipped with the skills to face challenges beyond the classroom.


To provide an exceptional education which is broad, thorough and enjoyable, enabling children to make the most of themselves and to be considerate of others. We’re proud of every member of our Crosfields family, and we encourage our students to explore their passions and strive for academic excellence.

Our community is founded on high-quality teaching, first-class facilities and outstanding pastoral care.

185 Members of Staff

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Preparing your child for the future

We’re proud to take a leading role in supporting and preparing your child for the future. We have five main aims that we apply to all areas of life at Crosfields:

  1. To provide an environment in which the children are happy and confident which is safe, caring and supportive with exceptional Pastoral Care
  2. To provide opportunities of considerable breadth and depth to help children discover their talents
  3. To provide an atmosphere in which respect for other people and for the world is cultivated
  4. To encourage Effort, Resilience and Rigour
  5. To encourage the children to be independent thinkers who have critical, enquiring minds by providing a challenging academic curriculum which inspires and engages all pupils
  6. To leave Crosfields ready for the challenges which await them
6 Forest School Sites

Fundamental British Values

According to Ofsted, ‘fundamental British values’ are:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance

At Crosfields, we’re committed to embedding these values into our teaching environment to maintain our impeccable standards of safeguarding. We’re proud to represent a community that is knowledgeable, tolerant and respectful of others.

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