We are Crosfields - Crosfields School

We are Crosfields

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Why choose a Crosfields education for your child?  

We are one of the leading co-educational private schools in Berkshire, set in 40 beautiful acres on the outskirts of Reading. At Crosfields we provide equal opportunities for all with our fees covering residential trips, internally delivered co-curricular activities and lunch.

We have a strong scholarship and bursary provision for new families and these students then become ambassadors at the school. By offering leadership positions and chances to understand the wider community, children understand how they fit into the bigger picture.

We support one another and champion the successes of our peers. We believe in equal opportunities and we create an environment in which everyone can shine.

Crosfields is anything but dull! It is alive and it is vibrant!
Lucy, Year 8


We are one big family

Pupils have a voice and use this to make the school even better, such as starting co-educational sports teams to demonstrate what it truly means to be a co-educational school.

A proudly diverse community. Over 40 languages are spoken among staff and students at our school, and we love it! We strive to lay the foundations for an inclusive society that embraces differences.


Committed to empowering each individual

We are committed to empowering each individual with our strong subject specialist teaching, extra-curricular activities and state-of-the-art facilities. This includes our 25 metre pool, artificial turf pitches and award-winning Senior School building.

Our school is a hub of learning excellence with an award-winning environment but we’re so much more than just an educational establishment. We create a space to flourish from Nursery to GCSEs and support students who want to jump feet first into everything we have to offer.

25 metre pool

Above all, we care.

This is demonstrated by our strong pastoral system, community spirit and the smiles on children’s faces when they arrive at the start of the school day. If you want to see why so many families choose Crosfields you can book your personalised tour here.


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