Enrichment - Crosfields School


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Enriching experiences for all our children

Woven into the fabric of a Crosfields education the Enrichment Programme aims to challenge students, giving them the opportunity to try new things but most importantly, encouraging them to develop as individuals.

At Crosfields we recognise that as children grow, develop and progress they need to be provided with activities which are both age appropriate and engaging.

It all begins from Pre-Prep as children start to explore the world around them and these activities are expanded as children progress through the Junior School.

By the time they reach our Senior School we provide dynamic real-world challenges to prepare them to be productive global citizens, appreciating the opportunities which lie ahead and preparing them for future successes.

Weekly Sports Fixtures

Inclusive and accessible opportunities

Children are given dedicated time to devote to developing their research and presentation skills.

Activities are carefully selected and designed to promote skills in the following areas:

  • Personal : leadership, communication , performance, creativity, decision-making, co-operation, time management and organisational.
  • Social
  • Wellbeing – stress relief and relaxation, keeping healthy and developing increased self-esteem

Gaining Awards and recognition

There are a number of awards that pupils can participate in during their time at Crosfields School. Awards allow pupils to strengthen their presentation skills, widen their knowledge outside of the curriculum and enable confidence in their own abilities. Here are some of the awards, your child could be part of:

Ian Michael Award

Providing the chance to be part of our history.

Originally designed to encourage children at Crosfieldsto go beyond study and collaborate with their peers. As the school has grown, so the award has evolved.

In pursuit of the Award children are challenged to create a presentation based on a topic they have covered within the curriculum (complementing their studies). We now ask pupils to present to families on any topic of their choice. This encourages thinking beyond the classroom walls and sharing of personal interests which have captured their imagination.

The format of the Award allows current interests to be considered in context, whilst capturing the spirit of Crosfields School over time.

John Muir Award

The John Muir Award is focused on supporting the natural environment and promoting biodiversity.

Find out more

The Mighty Oak

The Mighty Oak programme is designed for the Senior School students to encourage them to broaden their range of interests and then develop and explore some of them in more detail. The aim is to challenge students to choose activities outside of their comfort zone and help them gain a wider perspective and develop as individuals. There are 5 principles which underpin this programme:

  1. Personal skills such as leadership and communication
  2. Time management and organisational skills
  3. Stress relief and relaxation
  4. Improved social skills
  5. Increased self-esteem


Widening horizons and building teams

Our school trips….

Inclusive of all –something for everyone.

All residential and educational day trips are included in our tuition fees. From Year 2 we offer residential trips building independence and bring the curriculum to life. Previous adventures included:

Nursery visited Woolly Firs

Reception- went to the Look Out Discovery Centre

Year 1 explored Legoland

Year 2- Winchester Science centre to put their lesson into practice.

Year 3- visited took their lessons to Kidzania and The Butts Farm.

Year 4- Ure Museum to learn more about Greek archaeology and Watts Art village!

Year 5- Hawk Conservancy Trust to learn more about the importance of birds to our wilderness.

Year 6 – And many of our pupils are a musical with a passion for singing or a flare for a musical instrument which is perfectly complimented with the visit to the O2  to watch ‘Young Voices’. This is only a sprinkle of what we offer, to learn more come along to one of our Open Events.

Just a flavour of the trips we offer…

Promoting wellbeing, fun and including overnight stays

Year 2

Our 6- & 7-year-olds – visited Liddington (PGL) to explore and have lots of fun outside. 

Year 4

Our 8-9 year olds visited Ufton Court for an overnight visit 

Moving to the Senior School Crosfields students become even more adventurous, staying away for longer and travelling overseas… 

Year 7

Year 7 travelled to Biarritz for Surfing and Yoga

We also offer trips which specifically support subjects within the curriculum (also included in our fees) including to Seville for Language students and music tours.

Bushcraft trips support the Crosfields commitment to Outdoor Learning.

As a Sporty School our teams regularly travel to compete. Our Ski Trips and other activity-based experiences are open to all.

Supporting those in need…

Throughout the school, children are encouraged to take part in charitable initiatives, supporting our local community and the wider world.

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